AAPT Studies in Pedagogy v.5 submission deadline 10/8
Volume 5: The Science of Learning: Theory and Application (tentative title)
Edited by
David W. Concepción
Ball State University
Submission deadline: October 8, 2018.
AAPT Studies in Pedagogy is soliciting original papers for consideration in our upcoming volume on the science of learning. We anticipate the final articles will run between 5000-7500 words. Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review. Final papers will need to follow Chicago Manual of Style 17th ed. guidelines. In matters where CMoS allows for variable formatting we have a house style that is followed.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
- The Brain and Learning
- Embodied Learning
- Expert/Novice Differences
- Attention
- The Psychology of Learning
- Pre-existing Understandings, Variations in Success Readiness
- Acquiring, Retaining, and Retrieving
- Feedback, Deliberate & Repetitive Practice, and Growth
- Motivation
- Learning-conducive Learning Environments, Technology and Learning
- Learning How to Learn, Metacognition, Student Self-Assessment
- Evidence-Based Theory regarding why certain activities are more effective than others (e.g. essential questions, interleaving, scaffolding, specifications grading, etc. OR experiential learning, inclusive pedagogy, problem based learning, team based learning, etc.)
- Bloom’s Taxonomy, Ennis’ Conception, and other models
Send your paper for consideration by October 8, 2018.
- To submit an essay, go to https://aaptstudies.org/submissions
- Direct inquiries about this call or volume 5 to dwconcepcion@aaptstudies.org
- Direct inquiries about AAPT Studies in Pedagogy to editor@aaptstudies.org
Printer-friendly version of the CFP.
Please distribute widely.